
March 29, 2022

I think I may have a problem, because it seems like everything for me relates back to food. For instance, when I read the verse above, the first thing I thought of in relation to the word “preserve” was how food is preserved and has been over time. Chemical additives and mechanical processes have been primary forms which have been used. For instance, for chemical additives, salt and sugar have been added to food for generations, some meats even being packed in salt for the purpose of maintaining its edible nature over long periods of time. With regard to mechanical processes, various forms of refrigeration have taken place, from placing food in the refrigerator to lowering food down a well to keep it cool and lengthen the time over which biological decomposition takes place.

However, there are other forms of preservation as well. For instance, here at Beech Church, we have a Bible from the builder of the sanctuary, Robert Taylor, which David Bowden found. We have placed that Bible into an acid-free box to attempt to mitigate further degradation to the pages, as the Bible is in poor repair due to the wear over time.

Likewise, there are game preserves around the world, to attempt to allow animals to thrive in a wild habitat. These preserves are intended to provide protection for the life of the animal from hunters. Did you know that an elephant sanctuary is present in Tennessee? This facility is present to preserve the lives of elephants which have been in captivity (such as zoos or the circus).

With these differing forms of preserving, we now turn to the scripture in which David requests that God preserve him. What is David asking? Is he asking that God allow him to have a care-free life? Is he asking that God not allow him to age or deteriorate? I would offer a resounding “NO!” Yet, he is asking that God protect and provide for him in the midst of the struggles of life, especially in dealing with those who do not seek after God.

David refers to God as if he is a cave . . . something seemingly immovable, offering protection from the elements and from dangers. Likewise, throughout the remainder of this psalm, he offers that God is his provider and sustainer. He is more than just the one offering safety. God provides emotionally and spiritually as well. Therefore, David, in requesting that God preserve him, is offering an all-encompassing request. He wants God to be his everything, because he recognizes that he is nothing apart from God.

When waking up in the morning, it may be good to start the day reflecting upon a psalm like Psalm 16 so as to remember that apart from God and His provision, we are nothing and have nothing.