Men of Beech
Men of Beech is a gathering of men for the purpose of fellowship, food, and faith at Beech Church. We gather on the first Saturday of most months (there are some months where we must miss due to conflicting schedules for our cooks or for activities on the church calendar).
Some men gather at 6:30 a.m. to begin cooking the breakfast which may or may not include bacon, sausage (pork or smoked venison), biscuits, gravy (sausage/sawmilll gravy and/or chocolate gravy), some form of potato, pancakes, pork chops, and possibly various other breakfast foods. Those coming to eat will gather at 8 a.m.
Before eating, the men all bow in prayer to thank God for the blessing of the food He has provided. Afterward, the men gather in a common area, whether at one table or multiple, to enjoy fellowship during the meal. Toward the end of the meal, the men engage in a short devotion, challenging them to be men of faith, pursuing God’s heart for their lives.
We are called Men of Beech because we are primarily men who attend Beech Cumberland Presbyterian Church. However, this is not a closed fellowship. Any man, regardless of his age (we have had ages 4 to 90 present) and regardless of church affiliation (as we have men from other church traditions who have regularly attended), is welcome.
While we would not exclude women who would want to come in for a hot meal, this gathering is primarily for men, as we do believe that older men are called to train up the younger men in matters of faith, which includes all areas of life, and we believe that fellowship around a table builds bonds for such training. The women of our church prefer their group – the CPWM.
There is no charge for the meal. However, we do place a basket upon the table for any who would like to make a donation. Donations are used to defray the costs of the food. Any funds over the cost of the food are donated back to the church.

Interested in Men of Beech
Pastor Jeff DeWees & Jim Crews lead the Men of Beech. (They’re also the head cooks and this Pastor can bake!) For information on the next meeting or to learn more, please contact us.