Are you leaving anything out of your relationships that needs to be there?

January 7, 2020

Have you ever played laser tag?  If not, please allow me a moment to explain how the game works.  Each player will get a vest that has lights on the shoulders front and back.  Connected to the vest is a laser gun.  Lights are on the sides and front of the gun as well.  Wherever there are lights, the player may be shot with a laser.  When the player gets hit in any of these target locations, he or she is unable to play for a certain number of seconds, generally 3 to 5.

The primary purpose of the game is to shoot as many of your opponents as possible while minimizing the number of times you are shot.  Not all laser tag games are the same.  Some are one on one, while others are team versus team.  Some have very accurate laser systems, while others are general light (in these, if you shoot in the general direction of an opponent you will hit him or her).  The point to all of this is that when playing, you need to know your target and not take your eyes off, even when you are down from being hit . . . that way, when you are back in the game, you will know the target for which you are shooting.

In the verses above, Jude finishes his book directing all glory and honor to God.  Notice the way he does so:  first, he gets the reader’s attention about how Christ carries him/her into the presence of God Most High; then, he focuses his attention squarely upon the person of God.  By saying “to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless,” he offers that salvation is Christ’s work.  However, not salvation alone, but strength in faith as well (think about Peter walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee).  We must keep our eyes upon Christ.  The proclamation, “to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty,” provides a laser focus on God and His sovereignty.  Finally, Jude’s ending, “both now and forever,” helps his readers to remember the eternal nature of God.  Again, all of this to help them focus upon who God is and what each believer’s responsibility is.

In life, have you lost your focus upon God?  Have you started to stumble?  Place your focus back upon Christ.  Salvation and strength come from the Lord.  Give Him all glory, honor and praise!