It’s That Time of Year

November 2, 2021

It is that time of year.  Do you know what I mean?  The time of year when the air is crisp, the days are shorter, and the hills are adorned with the brilliant colors of trees changing the color of their leaves.  For many, this is a favorite time of the year for that very reason – seeing the leaves change color.  It is amazing to me how quickly it happens.  It seems there is a very short time prior to the leaves falling from the trees.  Then, in the late Fall and Winter seasons, the world appears to be drab . . . monochromatic . . . dead.  Then in Spring, a faint hint of color returns in the budding of the trees appearing to bring new life back into the world.

Along with the grandeur of the dynamic color change of the deciduous trees in the Fall, trees also offer depictions of strength amid storms, as they bend and sway, yet often do not break.  They serve as examples of teamwork, where some rely upon the presence of other similar trees in the area, to interlock root systems to strengthen one another.  Some trees provide nourishment by producing fruits or nuts.  Some birds and animals make their shelter in the trees.  All trees offer some amount of shade and shelter to those who would seek their refuge.

Regardless, not a single tree is independent.  Every single tree is nourished from the ground in which it is planted.  When the minerals are depleted, the tree will begin to wither and die.  The book of Psalms begins with comparing a godly man to a tree planted by “living waters.”  Biblically, “living waters” is a statement representing an active stream. which provides not only water for nearby plants, but a continuous source of nutrients.

When you consider your life, would you say that you are planted by streams of living water, constantly being nourished and provided for by God’s provision through spending time in prayer and in His word? Or, have you isolated yourself from God’s guidance, thinking that you know best for your life?