Food That Endures

March 22, 2022

The boy was 18 or 19 years old. His father had worked as a mechanic for years for other people, but now owned his own business. Yet, his business was somewhat like a AAA. He would go to where the work was needed, not make the customers come to him. His business was not just mechanic work. It was complete repair . . . of tractor trailers, and if it needed to be done, he could do it. The boy became his father’s right-hand man.

One day, while working in the hot sun, the owner of the trucking firm who had contracted the man to repair some trailers came to assess how the repairs were progressing. At some point in speaking with the man, he noticed the man’s son. Shaking his head, he said, “It sure is a shame that he did not apply himself more in school so that he wouldn’t have to do this kind of work.” The father replied, “Well, he was the salutatorian of his class and is actually in college right now. He’s just on break and is helping me out.”

It is interesting how our society values some work over others. The boss in the story above seemed to think that working in the heat was not as honorable, or maybe not as good, as working inside . . . that working behind a desk pushing a pencil is better than working by the sweat of your brow pushing a shovel. To be honest, we need workers who are willing to do both. Yet, if the purpose is solely to put food on the table and a roof over your head, unfortunately, that is very short-sighted.

In the verses above, Jesus says to the people that they should not be working for food that perishes, but rather for food that endures to eternal life. Paul says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” (Colossians 3:23) When you work as unto the Lord, even at secular locations, you wind up having an eternal mind set. Work becomes filled with divine appointments orchestrated for the purpose of shining the light of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. It no longer is about receiving a paycheck to put food on the table, a flat-screen in the living room, or provide funds for vacation.

How does that all begin? Believing in Him, Jesus, whom God has sent. When you work, is it for the things here and now? Or do you have an eternal purpose in mind? May your belief transform your daily life giving way to food that endures to eternal life.