Are you leaving anything out of your relationships that needs to be there?

December 31, 2019

“He has nice eyes.”  Have you ever heard a statement like this?  Generally speaking, I have heard women make that statement about a man, not in a sense of attraction, but rather expressing an apparent assessment of the gentleman’s nature.  Granted, it is far better to get an understanding about a person’s character from interaction with them than simply relying upon a good look in their eyes.  However, I likewise have also heard that the eyes of a person do not lie, or if they do, it is very rare.

In looking at the verses above, Jude is offering that we need to do some discernment:  at times snap discernment and at other times slow, intentional discernment.  Snap discernment would be those times when you know that you will not have much time with someone, but you are experiencing a compelling urge to speak to them.  Slow, intentional discernment would be discernment that you are not necessarily waiting for an extended duration of time, but rather comes with the experience of a relationship with another person regarding how to deal with them.

Verse 22 offers that we are to have “compassion on some . . .”  To be honest, in reviewing some commentaries, I found that not only the translation, but even the wording found in the manuscripts, on this verse vary – some offering tat we are to have “compassion” and others offering that we are to “rebuke” some, “making a distinction.”  These differences, while they might seem like polar opposites, when combined with the following verse, encourage the listener to be discerning in his/her approach of another person.  (We must remember that the original manuscripts were not separated into chapters and verses as we have in the Bible today.)

If you think about the relationships in your own life, you will find that you do not approach every person the same.  Therefore, these verses are saying that we need to follow the same principle.  “Do not approach everyone in the same manner.”  It is important that you see each person as an individual who is deeply in need of redemption.  In like manner, minister to them as individuals.  Some may require a gentle approach, a correction, or even a more earnest/stern approach.  Regardless, do not fail to minister to those around you.  With that in mind, as we end this calendar year and approach a new one, are you leaving anything out of your relationships that needs to be there?