Cause & Effect

October 19, 2021

Do you remember studying cause-and-effect when you were younger?  It’s something that we use regularly, often without any consideration.  For instance, when you turn on a light switch, the effect is that the light comes on and brightens the room.  Another example would be when driving  down the road and I turn the steering wheel, the car turns the direction I steer it.

Cause-and-effect is a very beneficial tool for us to understand why things happen as they do.  I must wonder how often we as believers in Jesus Christ use cause-and-effect to understand even bigger things in the world?  As an example, why do we have light now?  The original light source did not seem to be in an apparent location, rather simply an oscillation between light and dark.  On day four of the creation account, God created the sun, moon, and stars.  It was at this point that it seems the location became specific . . . roughly 93,400,000 miles from the earth and God formed the star to provide not only the right amount of light . . . but also the right amount of heat to sustain life on earth.

The amount of sunlight we receive at this distance from the sun is perfect for life to flourish here.  Think about it . . . plants need the sun to create chlorophyll which in turn allows them to have energy for growth and to create oxygen which people need to survive.  People need the sun to create vitamin D to sustain their bone structure.  Yet, too much sun and no water results in the death of both people and plants.  Water was present in the beginning as well.

Now we need to turn to God’s spiritual provision for us.  Simply look to Jesus’ words about Himself and you see some interesting correlations.  Jesus says, “I am the light of the world . . .” (John 8:12) and that He would give “living water” (John 4:10).   Finally,  we all know that we must eat to survive as well, and Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” (John 6:35)  All that we need for life comes from God through Christ Jesus.

So what does all of this have to do with cause-and-effect?  Everything!  God spoke and everything for life jumped into existence . . . now, His very word sustains us!  May simple tasks like turning on a light switch remind you of God’s provision in your life.