Are you worthy?

April 12, 2022

As we approach Good Friday, I have to turn my eyes to the “Via Dolorosa” (Way of the Cross). Just to type those words begins to bring tears to my eyes. My Savior died for me. Why am I worthy? Are you worthy? What could make Him drawn to me (or you) so much that He would find such value as to be broken and poured out for me (you)? Before I can get there, I must turn my eyes to the events leading up to the cross.

Have you ever felt alone in the midst of a crowd? It is a strange dichotomy to be surrounded by people, but feel all alone, but we as people have the ability to feel that way. Teenagers sometimes feel as if no one understands – they often feel as if no one has ever gone through what they are feeling. As adults, we might feel the same.  Whether child, teen or adult, we might have the responsibility to stand alone for a purpose bigger than ourselves, choosing what is right above comfort.

Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, stood alone in the midst of a crowd. His disciples left Him. His best friend, Peter, would not get closer to him than several yards away, so as to not incur the same wrath that Jesus was experiencing. Jesus. Stood. Alone. But He stood alone intentionally. No one else could stand accused and be completely faultless. No one else could stand guiltless for the guilty. Only He could stand before the magistrates of both the Jews and Gentiles, being accused of the truth, claiming (and being) the Son of God (and being the one true King), condemned by humanity, but standing clean before God, so as to incur our debt for us to receive His freedom.

So again, I ask, what makes me worthy? What makes you worthy? What makes us worthy for Him to stand alone and to go through such horror on our behalf? And then I understand the answer . . . nothing. It is not because we are worthy. It is not because of our individual or corporate value. It is only because of His love. He chose to create us. He chose to love us. He chose to die for us. In the past, we have chosen our will above His. Yet, I wonder, experiencing such great love, will we continue to leave Him standing alone? Or, will we choose His will above our own, to stand with Him regardless of what comes our way? May it be that we choose the latter, the better, to stand with Jesus because we have known His love and respond with adoration in return.