Seek Him

January 25, 2022

What is the most important thing in your life? Do you wish for a long, healthy life so that you can enjoy your children and grandchildren? Do you wish for a happy family? Do you wish to stay single, or get married? Do you wish for a larger house? In your wishing, is this wish something upon which you spend a significant amount of time pondering, considering and planning?

What do you spend the most amount of effort praying about (if you do pray)? Does this coincide with your answer to the questions above? Or do you spend ample amounts of time thinking about one thing, while spending time in prayer simply to ask for a blessing upon the food and to keep you alive through the nigh? In other words, are your prayers relegated to the times which we often teach our children to pray when they are young.

I ask these questions in light of the above printed verse.  David, in considering his life, says, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that I will seek after . . .” He is saying that in his life, he is petitioning God for one primary thing. Likewise, he is also saying that not only will he petition God, but that he is going to spend time and effort in seeking this one thing. However, what could be so important that the king (or at least the future king), would be spending time and energy praying about and seeking? Could he not send out people to do his bidding? Could he not allocate funds for anything he wanted as the king?

Well, as the monarch (or again, the future monarch), he certainly could allocate funds and direct his servants to do things for him. However, he could not pay enough to establish a relationship with God. All the gold in the world could not establish this relationship! God is the Creator! He owns it all in the first place! No amount of ambassadors sent could establish a personal relationship with the Most High King, that must be done on an individual basis.

Therefore, David is expressing here that there is only one pressing matter in his life . . . that he might get to know the one, true, living God . . . to dwell in His presence and in His service . . . to simply get the privilege of seeing Him with his own two eyes. Again, I ask, what is the most important thing for you? If it falls short of being in God’s presence, of dwelling in the house of the Lord (especially since He has gone to prepare a place for you – John 14), then you may be setting your sights a bit too low! Lift your eyes upon the One who created you, sustains you and has saved you, and begin to seek Him.