Grounded or Flying Free?

February 25, 2020

Do you remember getting in trouble as a child?  To be honest, I received far fewer spankings than I deserved.  I was not always getting into trouble as a child, but I was not a perfect child either.  My parents extended mercy to me plenty of times!  However, I look back and in thinking about the discipline they did give me, I recall that they were good to their word.  If they said they were going to do something, they followed through . . . whether it was taking us out to eat or providing unwanted but needed discipline (be it spankings or groundings).

Speaking of “groundings,” have you ever thought about that word?  It gives the idea of something that is meant to fly being kept from doing so.  Planes are grounded due to malfunctions or maintenance.  Birds are grounded when they need healing (i.e. they have a broken wing).  Flying through the air seems to be so free – go anywhere in any pattern you want, no restrictions and the sky is the limit (literally).  However, if for some reason it is not safe to fly, then that which is meant to be in the air must be kept on the ground.

Children, much the same, are heading toward their own freedom.  The older they get, the more freedoms they have and want.  Along with those freedoms come responsibilities.  As parents, we must guide our children, and even at times, afflict them for their good.

The writer of Psalm 119 recognized God’s faithfulness in the midst of being afflicted.  God had made a declaration and expected His children to follow His words.  When His commands were broken, He “afflicted,” or chastised them for their own good.  However, it was not in the affliction that the Psalmist found his joy.  It was in the knowledge of God’s love for Him.

Sometimes it is hard to look beyond the discomfort we are experiencing due to the actions of someone else.  However, if what is being done is out of love, such as a parent disciplining a child, or God with His people, maybe our focus can be realigned to appreciate the momentary discomfort for the future freedom and joy it will bring.