What consumes your thoughts?

February 4, 2020

What a passage!!! Have you ever been reading your Bible, come to this passage of scripture (the 10 Commandments)illustration of 10 commandments and just glazed over, because it is a passage that you have routinely heard throughout your life? Or maybe, you have read these verses and thought, “That is easy to follow! I am not a Hindu or Buddhist, therefore I do not have any statues lying around representing other gods.” Well hold your horses there, Skippy, because you may not be thinking this all the way through.

illustration of head with thought bubblesFirst, what consumes your thoughts throughout the day? Upon what do you spend your energy? Now, you might be saying, “Jeff, my thoughts are on work.” That is true, but is it a disproportionate amount (i.e. are you a work-aholic)? How long has it been since you thanked God for the ability to do what you do?

Likewise, how much time do you give to God in reading His word, singing praise to Him and spending in prayer? You may say “Jeff, it’s easy for you! You are a pastor. You get paid to do that.” I would say in response, that you are only partly right. Though I am a pastor, it is not easy for me, as I am also in the business of the care of souls (people), which includes listening, visitation and sometimes counseling. I, likewise, have the potential to get caught in doing work for the Lord, but still not give him a single thought. Even for me, it is easy to get caught up in what I am doing and lose sight of the One for whom I am working. It is also easy to get caught up in the glories of success (or the climb for it) and the activities of life. Thus, the “things of life” become our idols without us even realizing it.

Now that I’ve shown you how easy it is to become distracted, please allow me to show you why we need to focus upon Him. It is not just about the rule. In the Hebrew, God’s (the Father’s) name is Yahweh and Jesus’ name is Yeshua. Yahweh could be translated as “the One bringing into being” or “life giver.” Yeshua means “Yah saves.” Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) He also said, “I come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10). Therefore, if God (the trinity) gives life, life abundant and saves from death, why would He not be the central focus of our attention? Why would we look to work, or family, or hobbies, or any other thing in creation to find fulfillment? Do you have other gods in your life? Or, do you acknowledge that God is the reason you can enjoy these other activities in life?